Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.1 (2012 = 2.2; 2010 = 2.4; 2007 = 2.8)

4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt.
Corruption in the media has become normalised in Uganda, with many
organisations being unaware that paying journalists, “facilitation fees”,
“transportation expenses”, and so forth in order to cover a story (favourably) is
tantamount to corruption. Generally, people overlook the idea that paying such
fees to the media could result in subjective reporting; when the media has an
obligation to report objectively in being accountable to the public.
A panellist from civil society noted that, “Most NGOs and civil society organisations
have budgets for public relations, and when they (media practitioners) come, we
arrange eats and drinks, and may support them with a transport fee, etc., but
now we work with a PR company to sort out the facilitation fees to journalists.”
Another added that, “We have had situations where we’ve told them that we
don’t pay facilitation fees, but then no one turns up.”
“There is a range in terms of what is paid. The more you pay, the greater the
chances are that your story will be run. Along with other associations, we have
agreed on a fee of 30,000 shillings (USD 8.93).”
This problem is not unique to the media industry, and is a reflection of what is
happening in broader society. “We have a problem in this country with regards
to facilitation. It’s not secluded to journalism. If you have any meeting, people are
signing for transport refunds. But it’s also true that there are journalists asking
for it.”
“The payment of certain fees in Uganda has become an embedded thing and
is just the way of doing things. Transport refunds are a countrywide accepted
practice. But part of the problem in the industry is when you call journalists, you



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