4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/nonstatutory bodies that deal with complaints from
the public.
The Independent Media Council of Uganda (IMCU), was set up in 2008 with the
help of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, and at the time, the Council set up a code of
ethics. “IMCU was started because people felt that it should not be the business of
the state to regulate the media.” However, the organisation is not very active; its
independence has been compromised by the fact that at its head is a presidential
advisor, and its code of ethics as well as the complaints procedure it has set up is
not enforced.
“There is nothing to hold people accountable. There are no repercussions. Even at
its formation, there was no buy-in from the media houses.”
Other media associations have had the same problem, and the East African Media
Institute (EAMI), which was very active at one point, no longer exists.
There is also a statutory media council, established by Article 8 of the Press and
Journalists Act of 1995, whose functions are:

to regulate the conduct and promote good ethical standards and discipline of
to arbitrate disputes between - (i) the public and the media; and (ii) the State
and the media;
to exercise disciplinary control over journalists, editors and publishers;
to promote, generally, the flow of information;
to censor films, videotapes, plays and other related apparatuses for public
consumption; and
to exercise any function that may be authorised or required by any law.

There is also a statutory media council, established by Article 8 of the Press and
Journalists Act of 1995, whose functions are:


the director of information or a senior officer from the Ministry
responsible for information, who shall be the secretary to the council;
two distinguished scholars in mass communication appointed by the
Minister in consultation with the National Institute of Journalists of
a representative nominated by the Uganda Newspapers Editors and
Proprietors Association;
four representatives of whom— (i) two shall represent electronic
media; and (ii) two shall represent the National Institute of Journalists
of Uganda;


Select target paragraph3