Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.1 (2012 = 2.3; 2010 = 1.4; 2007 = 1.7)

3.4 The state/public broadcaster is accountable to the
public through an independent board which is representative of society at large and selected in an independent, open and transparent manner.
Section 7 of the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC) Act of 2005 outlines the
composition of the UBC Board, stating that it should “consist of the Managing
Director and not less than five and not more than seven other Directors,” each
of whom are appointed for a period of four years (renewable for a second term).
This section also notes that all Board Directors will be appointed by the Minister
“from among prominent Ugandans of proven integrity by virtue of their
qualifications, expertise and experience in the fields of broadcasting, technology,
media law, business management, finance and journalism.” (Note that the
Managing Director is appointed by the Board). The Minister also determines the
remuneration and allowances of the Board members. A panellist highlighted that
Board members receive a fee of 2 million Ugandan shillings (USD595) per sitting.
The Act does not specifically speak to the independence of the Board, nor does it
speak to how the Board should be representative of society at large, other than
the requirement mentioned above. “It can’t be independent, when the selection
is about people who will serve the status quo.”
“The process is very informal, it is based on connections, and board members
are chosen from a narrow enclave of people around the President. Even when
consultation happens, it is very informal.” pointed out one of the panellists.
“There is a national feeling of mistrust with respect to the party and office
bearers. There is no public process in the sense of public vetting, and so on,”
added the panellist.



Select target paragraph3