2.2 Citizens’ access to domestic and international media sources is not restricted by state authorities.
Panellists agreed that there are no restrictions to citizens’ access to domestic
and international media, but noted that other social barriers such as cost and
language may exist in hindering their access to these media sources.
Furthermore, although there are no legal restrictions to accessing media sources,
there have been incidences of state interference in the distribution of certain
publications. For example, in 2010, when Dr. Olive Kobusingye, the sister of
Dr. Kizza Basigye (president of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change),
published her book titled The Correct Line? Uganda under Museveni, a large
consignment was seized and impounded by the Ugandan Revenue Authority, and
attempts were made to restrict wide circulation of the book. Many bookshops will
not sell the book because they fear reprisal if they do, given the political content
of the book. More recently, in August 2015, Daniel Kalinaki (former editor of
the Daily Monitor) was detained at the Ugandan-Kenyan border, with copies of
his book on contemporary Ugandan politics titled: Kizza Besigye and Uganda’s
Unfinished Revolution.
Section 34(1) of the Penal Code Act, which deals with the ‘Power to prohibit
importation of publications, etc.’, states that, “Whenever the Minister considers
it in the public interest so to do, he or she may, in his or her absolute discretion,
prohibit, by statutory order, the importation of all publications or any of them,
periodical or otherwise…” In March 2012, a consignment of 700,000 calendars
with civic education on politics and elections, published by Twaweza, an East
African region organization focusing on social change, were also impounded by
the police. Using the Penal Code to fall back on, the police called in Morrision
Rwakakamba, the organisation’s Uganda country head to explain the content of
the calendars.
In accordance with the Anti-Pornography Act, access to pornographic media/
material is prohibited, yet there are a plethora of mediums publishing such images
and internet sources are not blocked.



Select target paragraph3