(ii) sanctions, promotes or glamorizes violence. 15. Violence against women Broadcasters shall:(i) not broadcast material which, judged within context, sanctions, promotes or glamorizes any aspect of violence against women; (ii) ensure that women are not depicted as victims of violence unless the violence is integral to the story being told; (iii) be particularly sensitive not to perpetuate the link between women in a sexual context and women as victims of violence. 16. Violence and Hate Speech against specific groups 16.1 Licensees shall not broadcast material which, judged within context sanctions, promotes or glamorizes violence based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or mental or physical disability. 16.2 Licensees are reminded generally of the possible dangers of some people imitating violence details of which they see, hear or read about. 16.3 Licenesees shall not broadcast (a) Propaganda for war; (b) Incitement of imminent violence; or (c ) Advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm. 17. The abovementioned prohibitions shall not apply to (i) a bona fide scientific, documentary, dramatic, artistic, or religious broadcast, which judged within context, is of such nature; (ii) broadcasts which amount to discussion, argument or opinion on a matter pertaining to religion, belief or conscience; or (iii) broadcasts which amounts to a bona fide discussion, argument or opinion on a matter of public interest. Children 18. Broadcasters are reminded that children as defined in paragraph 3 above embraces a wide range of maturity and sophistication, and in interpreting this Code it is legitimate for licensees to distinguish, if appropriate, those approaching adulthood from a much younger, pre-teenage audience. 18.1 Broadcasters shall not broadcast material unsuitable for children at times when large numbers of children may be expected to be part of the audience. 18.2 Broadcasters shall exercise particular caution. As provided below, in the depiction of violence in children’s programming. 18.3 In children’s programming portrayed by real-life characters, violence shall, whether physical, verbal or emotional, only be portrayed when it is essential to the development of a