context, is of such a nature.

Scenes depicting sexual conduct, as defined in the Films and Publication Act 65 of 1996,
should be broadcast only during the watershed period. Exceptions to this may be allowed in
programmes with a serious educational purpose or where the representation is non-explicit
and should be approved in advance by the most senior programme executive or a delegated


Explicit portrayal of violent sexual behaviour is justifiable only exceptionally and the same
approval process as referred to in 30 above must be followed.


To assist audiences in choosing programmes, licensees shall provide advisory assistance,
which when applicable shall include guidelines as to age, at the beginning of broadcasts and
wherever necessary, where such broadcasts contains violence, sexual conduct and/or
offensive language.


33.1 Where a Film and Publications Board classification exists in terms of the Films and
Publication Act No. 65 of 1996 (“Films and Publications Act”) for the version of a film or
programme intended to be broadcast, such classification certification may be used as a
guide for broadcasting.
33.2 No version which has been refused a Film and Publication Board classification
certification should be broadcast at any time.
33.3 In all other instances, the provisions of this Code will apply.


34.1 Licensees shall be obliged to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly.
34.2 News shall be presented in the correct context and in a fair manner, without
intentional or negligent departure from the facts, whether by:-(a) Distortion, exaggeration or
(b) Material omissions; or
(c) Summarisation
34.3 Only that which may reasonably be true, having due regard to the source of the news,
may be presented as fact, an such fact shall be broadcast fairly with due regard to context
and importance. Where a report is not based on fact or is founded on opinion, supposition,
rumours or allegations, it shall be presented in such manner as to indicate clearly that such
is the case.
34.4 Where there is reason to doubt the correctness of the report and it is practicable to
verify the correctness thereof, it shall be verified. Where such verification is not practicable,
that fact shall be mentioned in the report.
34.5 Where it subsequently appears that a broadcast report was incorrect in a material
respect, it shall be rectified forthwith, without reservation or delay. The rectification shall be
presented with such a degree of prominence and timing as in the circumstances may be
adequate and fair so as to readily attract attention.

Select target paragraph3