Category 1: Online Presence


Most of the institutions have a weak or limited
online presence.
Websites mostly have general information and
news but very little information on the activities
and the financial affairs of the institution.
There is no process in place to govern the updating
of information, which is done in an ad hoc manner.
The impression is that the institutions do not see
their websites as a tool to interact with the public.

Category 2: Response to requests for




Most institutions have an area for the archiving and
storage of information, however, the information is
usually very old and is not regularly updated.
Most institutions do not have dedicated staff to
respond to requests for information. In most cases,
it is the communications and public relations staff
that are roped in to handle these activities.
Although only three institutions responded to
the requests for information, it was clear from
the interviews that the silence was not due to
unwillingness, but rather to a lack of organisational
structures and clear delegation of responsibilities.
A culture of secrecy still exists and, more
importantly, an inability to locate and present the
requested information.

Contrary to last year’s assessment, in which two
institutions reached 50% of the possible maximum score,
in this year’s study, not a single institution managed to
reach 50% or more. With 19 points (47%), the Serviço
Nacional de Identificação Civil was this year’s most
open institution. It was handicapped in the website
category, as it does not have its own online presence
and depends on the website of the Ministry of the
Interior. Nonetheless, even though it scored below 50%
and did not respond to all questions, it is bestowed with
the Golden Key Award 2018, in recognition of its effort
and best practices in the public service.


On the basis of the results, we conclude that the
overwhelming majority of the institutions evaluated deserve
the Golden Padlock Award. However, two organisations in
particular scored extremely low attaining 0 points for the
website section of the study. These are the Instituto Nacional
de Transportes Terrestres (National Institute of Land
Transport) and the Município da Cidade da Matola (Matola
City Municipality). Like many others, these two institutions
lack a strong web presence. The National Institute of Land
Transport has two sites, but these are being used only for
management tools for drivers’ licences. The Matola City
Municipality’s website is not live, as it did not keep up with
payments for its web hosting services.

All things considered, the Matola City
Municipality is thus awarded the 2018
Golden Padlock Award.

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