4.1 The standard of reporting follows basic principles
of accuracy and fairness
Target audiences often question the way in which journalists process information.
The panel strongly emphasised that, in many cases, the line separating facts
and opinions is quite thin. Biased and interesting comments take priority over
facts. This situation is fuelled by the great level of disparity among journalists.
Professionalism remains weak because misinformation often overwhelms factchecked and verifiable information.
Sometimes people pass on inaccurate information and twisted facts. The
proliferation of online media and news provided via social network exacerbates
the trend towards misinformation. Some pages simply report information seen
elsewhere, without stating sources or any fact-checking. Quality of information
processing also depends on the political affiliation of the station or newspaper.
Political interference in the newsrooms creates harmful interference in information
processing. The panel pointed out that in order to access quality information or
to get the real idea of a situation, it is necessary watch several channels, listen
to several radio stations and read many newspapers. Some organisations close
to the government publish information that is sympathetic to the government.
Despite this, there is a growing awareness among journalists and media owners.
Media professionals, especially experienced journalists, are managing to survive.
There are many training opportunities and the profession is attracting more and
more young people. For example, in 2012 the Friedrich-Ebert-Siftung initiated
the “Training of Young Journalists” (FDJ) and in 2019 the Group of Publishers
of News Media, Multimedia in Madagascar (GEPIMM) launched its “Passport to

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:











2006: 2.9; 2008: 2.5; 2010: 2; 2012: 2.8; 2016: 2.3

31 The GEPIMM, the association Actions Média Francophone (AMF-Africamedias) and other partners issued "My passport to
journalism" in 2019. It is aimed at journalists who graduate from a recognised training curriculum.



Select target paragraph3