3.4 The state/public broadcaster is accountable to
the public through an independent board that is
representative of the society at large and selected
in an independent, open and transparent manner
The Madagascar Radio and Television Office is the state broadcaster. It is an
industrial and commercial public institution which includes TVM (the national
television channel) and RNM (the national radio). Since 2016, ORTM has had
a board, set up by ministerial order, which includes representatives of the TVM
Directorate, the RNM Directorate, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications,
the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and ARTEC. The chairman of TVM board
is the secretary general of the MCC. The board is not independent because the
administration has control over it. All members are public officials and they are
not appointed in a free and independent manner.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:





2006: 1.1; 2008: 1; 2010: 1; 2012: 1.1; 2016: 1

3.5 The editorial independence of the state/public
broadcaster from political influence is guaranteed
by law and practised to ensure balanced and fair
news and current affairs programmes
The definition and roles of ORTM’s public service are clearly set out in the
Communication Code (articles 157 to 168). Nevertheless, editorial independence
is mentioned in none of these articles. It is only during the election period that
the public service has the obligation to process the information coming from all
candidates in a fair manner, according to a distribution of speaking time that
would be carried out by the ANRCM, once it is in place. In the meantime, it is up
to CENI to play this role. Despite the efforts made, the public broadcaster is still
considered to be an instrument serving the government and the administration.
Reports on presidential trips or workshops involving ministers make up a larger
share of airtime in TV or radio news reports.



Select target paragraph3