2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent
media outlets
Panellists felt that the government does not promote any specific and clear
policy to establish a diverse media landscape, with economically sustainable
and independent media houses. Regarding broadcasting, some projects have
been carried out to ensure that isolated areas benefit from media coverage. In
partnership with the Chinese operator Startimes, 500 villages were equipped
with set-top boxes, which allows them to access international and local channels
broadcast through the operators’ services. Due to the Communication Code,
private channels will now be able to broadcast at the national level via DTT. The
global switchover is planned for 2020.
In print media, distribution is hampered by a difficult economic context because
there is no system to support the press. Madagascar has ratified the Florence
Agreement.27 Its content has been assimilated by the Customs Directorate, but in
practice the papers and other materials necessary for the work of the media and
editorial offices (such as cameras, video cameras and computers) remain subject
to taxes like any other imported products. Media outlets are subject to taxes in
the same way as commercial companies.
To be eligible for exemption from customs duties, the duty-free admission of
goods intended for the press is subject to a decision taken in a cabinet meeting,
upon presentation of a communication to the Council of Ministers by the ministry
in charge, i.e. the MCC. However, this little-known lever has been politically
exploited. Only media outlet owners close to the government are able to benefit
from this provision. Without funds injected by owners and sponsors, the media
remain extremely vulnerable.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:









2006: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2010: 1.2; 2012: 1.3; 2016: 1.5

florence.pdf (accessed on 4 November 2019)



Select target paragraph3