2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is
accessible and affordable to citizens
A large spectrum of information sources is available. Madagascar has nearly 250
radio stations, about 30 television stations, around 20 daily newspapers and
approximately 10 magazines as well as about 10 main “pure-players” sites and
blogs, which are active with respectable audiences.
The Communication Code also provides for flexibility regarding rules governing
national coverage. National coverage is granted to all public and private media
subject to their switch to the DTT (digital terrestrial television) transmission mode.
Regarding their specifications, article 126 states:
Private radio and television stations choose between seven topics, namely
education, information, sport, entertainment, art and culture, economy and
music. A license corresponds to a topic. The licensing of each topic is carried
out through a call for tenders process.
Distribution of newspapers outside of Antananarivo is problematic. In Toamasina,
the second largest city in Madagascar, newspapers usually arrive a day late. In
some places, like Ambovombe,24 newspapers are not available. Panellists felt
that, as such, the most reliable sources of information are the public broadcaster,
community radio stations and satellite packages. The latter are quite a luxury for
most households. Panellists also suggested that most community radio stations
are owned by politicians or business owners.
Internet access is expensive, despite the profusion of offers provided by both
mobile and internet service providers. In Ambovombe, it costs 200 ariary
(US$0.05) to connect to the internet for one minute in a cybercafé. The cost for
an hour is 12,000 ariary (US$3.42).
The internet and access to the media are considered a luxury for most households,
whose main concern remains survival. The distribution of daily newspapers is
carried out by an informal system of organisation led by “wholesale” newspaper
sellers. The average price of a daily newspaper is 500 ariary (US$0.13) which is
about the same price as a loaf of bread.

24 Ambovombe is the main city in the Androy Region, located in the Province of Tulear on the south coast of Madagascar.



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