1.1 Freedom of expression, including the freedom of
the media, is guaranteed by the constitution and
supported by other pieces of legislation
Freedom of expression and freedom of the media are guaranteed in Madagascar
through several pieces of legislation. In the constitution, passed in November
2010, freedom of expression is guaranteed in article 10, which states:
The freedoms of opinion and of expression, of communication, of the press,
of association, of assembly, of circulation, of conscience and of religion are
guaranteed to all and may only be limited by the respect for the freedoms
and rights of others, and by the imperative of safeguarding the public order,
the national dignity and the security of the State.
The penultimate laws governing media communication date back to the 1990s,
in particular Law No. 90-031 of 21 October 1990 on communication, and
Ordinance No. 92-039 of 14 September 1992 on broadcast communication. More
recently, on 14 July 2016, Madagascar passed Law No. 2016-029 on the Media
Communication Code3 which promotes freedom of expression but sets some
limits, particularly on image rights issues and on the maximum fines allowed.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:








2006: 3; 2008: 3.5; 2010: 4; 2012: 4.6; 2016: 3.7

1.2 The right to freedom of expression is practised and
the citizens, including journalists, are asserting
their rights without fear
The panel stressed that although the existing legislation guarantees the practice
of freedom of expression, clauses within the Communication Code effectively
limit this freedom.
Panellists expressed concern about the noticeable decline of the right to freedom
of expression. Citizens and journalists practise their rights with apprehension
and caution. On 20 October 2019, the President of the Republic spoke openly
at a public event in Antsirabe, the country’s third largest city, saying, ‘Those who
refuse progress, those who hinder our progress and those who are opposed to



Select target paragraph3