2.2 Citizens’ access to domestic and international media sources is not restricted
by state authorities.

There are no restrictions by state authorities on citizens’ access to domestic and
international media. This landscape is very liberal, so much so that it has given
people cause to worry because of the type of newsprint found on media stands.
Satellite TV is available for those who can afford it, and with it access to CNN,

Individual scores:

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Average score:


2. 3 Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope of circulation of the print media,
particularly to rural communities.

At the national level, there are no deliberate efforts to increase the scope of
circulation of print media to rural communities. Daily Graphic has plans to publish
at regional levels, which may in turn lead to an increase in numbers and quick
delivery. Even such a measure may not necessarily improve the outreach to rural
communities, due to problems of affordability and literacy levels. Much more than
over simply access as such, the concern is over whether rural communities really
want newspapers and will be able to afford them, and whether they will be able to
read and understand the stories.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2

Average score:



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