(up to 50,000 cedis = 5 Euros). Organisers of such conferences are aware that
journalists might not cover the event if such allowances are not paid. GJA has
tried in vain to convince media owners to cover transport costs for their staff.

Individual scores:

2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2

Average score:


4.9 Training facilities offer formal qualification programmes for journalists as well
as opportunities to upgrade their skills.

Training facilities offering formal qualification programmes include the Ghana
Institute of Journalism (GIJ), the School of Communication Studies at the
University of Ghana, the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI), the
Institute of Management Studies (IMS). The GIJ offers both diploma and degree
courses. A diploma can be obtained after two years whilst the degree course
runs for three years for A Level holders and four years for Senior Secondary
School Certificate holders.
The Graphic Group provides in-house “skills based training” for all levels of staff,
including special technical training for all engineering staff. Reporters in the
Editorial Department are trained in report writing and language skills whilst
sectional heads receive training in attitudinal improvement techniques.
Journalists responsible for caption writing also receive specialised training.
The GBC also organises a number of in-house training sessions for all Division
and Regional offices with local and foreign trainers.
One challenge with training courses offered is reaching the intended target
group. Often senior staff do not attend such courses tailored especially for them
due to their work load and the need to meet deadlines. Instead junior staff
members are sent who can not appreciate the training offered and are not able to
apply the skills gained effectively. This state of affairs seems to be an “Accra
phenomenon” as courses in the regions usually receive a better target response,
perhaps due to the fact that journalists in the regions are not as privileged in


Select target paragraph3