Individual scores:

4, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 3

Average score:


4.4 Gender mainstreaming is promoted in terms of equal participation of both
sexes in the production process.

Quite a number of women are working in leading positions. The acting editor of
the Ghanaian Times and the editor of the Daily Guide are women. At Graphic
Communications Group of Companies, two out of the five editors are women.
2004 statistics regarding gender representation on the boards of state-owned
media reflect a very imbalanced picture. For example, between the GBC, the
New Times, Graphic Group and the GNA with a total board membership of 34,
only 6 are women, none of whom is the chair.
There are a number of women working in the newsrooms. But the main
challenge here remains that women rarely rise to management and decision
making positions. Women work mainly on women and social stories, regarded as
“soft news” which are not seen as a recommendation for promotions. However,
the issue of women’s low presence in management and decision-making
positions is a national phenomenon and not typical of the media industry. At the
national level, some corrective efforts are being made but these are not yielding
the expected results and progress is quite slow.
A “Women in Broadcasting” group is trying to address some of these challenges.
It has been working with other civil society groups in an attempt to promote
women’s issues in the media and wider society. It must also be mentioned that
the GJA has had women Presidents for over ten years. In the last GJA elections
held in March 2006 there were two women and one man contesting the
presidential position. Although the man won, this was seen as an indication of the
assertiveness of women and their aspiration to move into higher positions.
Generally, there is no special effort being made towards promoting women or
achieving equal participation in the work place. There is a lot of room for


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