Individual scores:

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5

Average score:


3.11 The public broadcaster offers balanced and fair information reflecting the full
spectrum of diverse views and opinions.

GBC genuinely tries to offer balanced and fair information to its audience. The
President, however, usually seems to enjoy preferential treatment. There is
always one standby camera reserved solely for the president and in most cases
a story involving the head of state will be the lead story irrespective of its content.
During election years, issues regarding fair coverage of election activities of
political parties are mapped out and mechanisms agreed upon. Yet, under the
guise of the state, the party in power takes advantage of incumbency and
therefore often gets more coverage than the opposition. This concern is being
addressed and each election year sees some improvement in the situation.
Certain government quarters are trying to interfere, although in a limited and
mostly subtle way. Editors, however, attempt to be fair and balanced in their
news output. Against the background of the past that saw GBC as a mere
propaganda tool (“where we come from”), the news these days reflect the full
spectrum of views and opinions.

Individual scores:

5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4

Average score:



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