Kenya SCORES: Individual scores: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Average score: 1.0 1.6 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed by law, to all citizens, including journalists. ANALYSIS: There is no law to guarantee access to public information. Public information officers in the various ministries provide only “sanitised information”, mostly “propaganda”, and not the information journalists or ordinary citizens really need. The only fax machines in government departments are said to be in the offices of Permanent Secretaries to avoid any leaks. SCORES: Individual scores: 1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,2,2 Average score: 1.5 1.7 Civil society in general and media lobby groups actively advance the cause of media freedom. ANALYSIS: Civil society groups perceive the media as very important tools for change. They organise quite a number of activities in regard to media and see media and advocacy as cross-cutting issues. On the other hand, media owners act as a “restrictive club”. If lobby groups want to promote certain reforms they first need to convince media owners before they can think of lobbying government. 8 African Media Barometer - Kenya 2005