Order and Security Act (POSA), 250 on the Broadcasting Services Act as well 250 on the Constitutional Amendment
Number 17.This came after the chapter realized that members of the public, many who are falling victim of these
laws, are not even aware of their existence. The fact sheets are proving to be handy reference tools for civil society,
researchers, and students in media studies as well as the diplomatic community in need of understanding these
laws better, especially in light of the spate of arrests, beatings and banning of meetings and any forms of gatherings
perceived as oppositional.
All of MISA’s publications were distributed in the region. MISA’s publications were also distributed to the Library of
Congress in unites states of America and they have come back to us requesting more copies of these books.

6.4 Resource Centers
As part of services provided to the MISA membership, MISA chapters continued to run resources centres in the
chapters and interest form members in the use of the resource centres keeps increasing. MISA Botswana continues
to receive not less than five (5) clients daily. MISA Namibia continues to provide free internet access to the chapters
members. The resource centre continues to be dormant due to lack of human resources to run it, however, the internet access for many of the local freelance journalists and student continues to be popular. South Africa continued
to update their resource centre and conducting the daily monitoring of newspapers and websites and archive that
material for research and general reference purposes. In Swaziland MISA officially launched the resource centre in
April 2006 the chapter. The Swaziland resource centre is already equipped with books and three computers. Zambia
has also registered an increase in the use of the resource centre with an average of about eight users daily with some
frequenting the centre on a hebdomiral basis.
MISA-Tanzania had planned to fundraise for the resource centre to enable the chapter purchase equipment such
as cabinets, box files, computers and photocopier machine. No funds were obtained during this reporting period
although the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) has shown an interest to work with MISA-TAN on raising
funds for the same. However the chapter has continued to acquire titles for the resource centre and disseminate
information to stakeholders.

6.5 Challenges
The main challenge to the strategy is the lack of funds. The strategy needs more funds both at regional and chapter
level in order to have solid publicity plans and these funds need to be raised both at regional and chapter level.
The other challenge at present is the lack of human resources as Information and Research officers who are already
overwhelmed are the ones doing the communications function at a chapter level. At the regional level there is a
need for an IT officer to consolidate MISA’s IT needs which are essential to the running of the organization and the
communication and dissemination strategy. This challenge is a reflection of the lack of funds mentioned earlier.

Annual Report 2006


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