MISA Namibia had a meeting with the Director General of the NBC and the General Manager for Radio on the need
to transform the state broadcaster. The DG agreed to look at the submitted documents including the Africa Media
Barometer for Namibia.
MISA Namibia continued to support to the National Community Radio Network, NCRN in its mandate to build the
capacity of local community media to transform information and knowledge into ingredients of empowerment and
equitable development. MISA Namibia organized community radio training sponsored by the DHRF. In addition
MISA also supported both the Omaheke Community Radio and the Erongo Community Radio in their campaign for
community mobilization through training for community members.
Access to the internet and content that is relevant to the Namibian community was given a boost with the establishment of a community radio website supported by the Namibia Democracy Support Centre. Capacity building for
the use of the internet was provided by American Cultural Centre and the Democracy and Human rights Fund of the
American Embassy. NCRN secured funding to have regular updates of audio material uploaded on the website.

3.2.5 South Africa
With support from the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), MISA South Africa worked on a community TV handbook with the anticipated date of completion being May 2007. Some delays included problems
regarding computer servicing, problems with data capturing and lack of transcriptions, accessing software for the
digital voice recorder, transcribing tapes from observation participants and incorporating new information.
MISA-SA made a presentation at the Community Television Summit held in Durban, 03-04 April 2007 convened by
the MDDA. The presentation was based on the findings and recommendations of the research on Soweto TV. MISA,
together with some civil society organizations also made a separate submission at the same summit in response to
the Discussion Document published by the Department of Communications on Digital Migration Strategy.

3.2.6 Swaziland
With the support of NIZA a critical analysis of the existing broadcasting laws was done to assist in the chapter when
engaging government on the broadcasting law review process. In the year under review the government of Swaziland drafted two bills: the Swaziland Broadcasting Bill 2007 and the Swaziland Public Broadcasting Corporation Bill
2007. The first Bill seeks to open the airwaves by establishing the three-tier system of broadcasting. The latter seeks
to transform the existing state broadcasters to be public broadcasters; however, the bill was focusing on television
and not radio. MISA Swaziland provided input on the two bills during the consultation process and was assured
that its input will be incorporated.
The chapter continued to support community radio initiatives. With financial support from MISA Lubombo Community Radio was able to broadcast for two days in April after being awarded a special license. Lubombo Community
Radio (LCR) is one of the three facilities of the Lubombo Community Multimedia Centre (LCMC). Young people from
Siteki and surrounding areas established LCR in February 1999. The main objective for LCR formation is to set up a
community radio station that will enable the Lubombo population a forum to discuss issues that affect them from
time to time.

Annual Report 2006


Select target paragraph3