g) The address, telephone number, and working hours of the institution?


h) The contact details of specific public officials?


i) A mechanism to request and receive a response to electronic messages and
requests for information?

The Facebook page
and the Permanent
Secretary’s Twitter
handle offer responses
to queries.


Total Score: 10/20			
The following questions were sent to MOHW:
1. How many cases of staff negligence at medical service points does the Ministry handle in a year and what is the most common?
2. Does the Ministry disaggregate information according to districts? If so, can we have access to the latest information?
3. How much of its funding and budget does the Ministry allocate to issues of staff welfare and customer service training?
4. Does the Ministry have an internal complaints centre where issues can be handled before customers seek external interventions?
n = 20
1. Is there an official designated to take and respond to information





2. Did the institution reply within 21 days?


3. Did the institution respond to the request for information?


4. Does the authority publish their procedures for dealing with
information requests?

The staffer was very enthusiastic and willing
to assist; she followed up with her senior
and returned feedback but later went quiet.
She was clearly facing resistance from her
colleagues. She eventually sent in a response
but way beyond the 21 days.


5. Did the institution provide all of the information requested?


6. Does the institution provide written reasons for the refusal of


7. Did the institution disclose information about its operations,
budgets, structure etc.

They apologised for the delayed response.


8. Did the authority provide information without questioning the
aims and motivations of the applicant?


9. Did the institution acknowledge your request for information
within 7 days?


10. Was the information received clear and understandable?

Additional Information


Total Score: 10/20

5. Ministry of Nationality, Immigration and Gender Affairs
Category 1: Website
The website has links to all Ministry departments, in particular, National Registration, which was the target of this survey. Unfortunately,
there was (at the time of viewing) no information under these links. The government portal is too bulky and makes searching for
information cumbersome. The Ministry is listed twice in the portal, under the previous name and the current one. This could confuse
an information seeker.


Select target paragraph3