The Ministry has empowering and positive youth programmes
which need more than the traditional way of disseminating
information. Policies meant to control the issuing of information
must not frustrate information seekers, which unfortunately
appears to be the case at MYESC.


The Ministry of Youth Empowerment,
Sports and Culture Development therefore
wins the Golden Padlock Award.


BOCRA’s swift response to the request and its well-managed
website makes it the most open institution in the country among
those surveyed. The website is user-friendly and customerfocused. Regularly updated, it hosts almost all the policy
documents of the institution as well as other vital information.
On their website, BOCRA clearly explains its complaints policy
and process. It further provides an electronic feature to allow
registering for the complaint. This feature, together with
‘Frequently Asked Questions,’ makes their information easily

The Botswana Communications Regulatory
Authority is therefore awarded the Golden
Key Award.







Botswana is in urgent need of an access to information law. The
law will protect the information seeker, custodians of public
information (public officials) as well as the Government. The
law is expected to provide legal mechanisms, guidelines and
exemptions to the handling of public information.
The first contact public relations assistants (juniors) must be
empowered to release preliminary information while they are
still engaging their supervisors or other relevant officials.
Departmental policies relating to the dissemination of
information need not be buffer zones between information
seekers and the information.
In the absence of an access to information law, ministries and
other state organisations must have their own information
commissioners, in addition to the PR departments, which
will rule on controversial or sensitive information. This, in any
case, is the kind of structure envisioned by an ATI law.
Departments must compile and keep their information
‘release’-ready at any given time. This means when the
information is sought, all that the officer has to do is to
customise the pre-packaged information to the specific


Public information must be open for consumption and any
exemptions must be publicly and proactively stated.
Public offices must have clearly stated whistleblowing and
protection processes.
The State must revise and modify policies and laws, such
as the Public Service Act, which hinder the release of
The Media Practitioners Act, which has become dormant,
must be repealed and replaced by a law more conducive to
access to information.

Therefore the winner of the Golden Padlock
Award for the most secretive public
institution in 2017 is the Ministry of Health.

Select target paragraph3