
Government does not use its power over the placement
advertisements as a means to interfere with media content.


There is a law which states that public sector advertising must be placed in a
media with the largest audience. In the case of the print media, in a newspaper
with the largest circulation. However, government has tried to spread its
advertising in the two major newspapers, there also being cases where it even
places adverts in relatively smaller circulation newspapers. As far as radio is
concerned, government has also placed adverts in the three most important
radio stations. Because it is the only television station, TCV enjoys the
monopoly of public advertising. Participants were unanimous in stating that
never has government used its power over placement of adverts as a means to
interfere in whatever way with the media where it places its adverts.
Individual scores:

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4

Average score:



The advertising market is large enough to maintain a diversity of media

The advertising market in Cape Verde is still very small for it to make a
significant impact in maintaining diversity in the media. To that, one must add
the fact that the advertising industry is not yet subject to any kind of regulation,
which contributes to an unfair advantage in favour of the public media. Because
the public media benefits from public funds, there should be a limitation in the
amount of commercial advertising that should be apportioned to the public
media. This is necessary in order to give a chance to the private media, which
does not enjoy the same privileges. The state has to intervene in order to
regulate the advertising market, as this is the only way to ensure plurality in the
media and also guard against dumping.
Individual scores:

3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2

Average score:



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