There is fear. The result of this is that invariably, journalists have to resort to
unnamed sources. Often a lot, citizens have shown to have more faith in the
media. Because of fear, journalists in the public sector often do not dare to
publish sensitive information that they might have in their possession. This is
so, despite the fact that government does not have a deliberate policy of
intimidating the media. Fear is cultural. Even in the public sector fear is not
contractual or institutional. Journalists feel more comfortable to criticize
institutions (including government institutions) than to write about individuals.
This is because institutions are generally faceless, and as such journalists do
not fear reprisals for criticizing them, as they would if they were to do so
towards individuals. Civil society organizations are increasingly more active and
generally free.
Individual scores:

3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4

Average score:



There are no laws restricting freedom of expression such as excessive
official secrets or libel acts, or laws that unreasonably interfere with the
responsibilities of the media.

There are laws that protect matters that are before the courts, as well as official
state secrets. There are also journalists who have been convicted for
defamation. Section 50 of the Media Law deals specifically with crimes
committed by the media. Libel is dealt with in Section 51, while Section 52 deals
with issues related to personal injury. According to the law, all these crimes
carry a prison sentence. Defamation is also dealt with in the Penal Code.
However, experience shows that defamation cases brought to the courts have
rarely been conclusive, even though under the Media Law (Section 75) media
lawsuits brought before the courts have precedence over any other cases. Also
because Cape Verde is relatively a small country, there are not too many
secrets, and the laws that protect matters still pending in the courts as well as
official state secrets do not unreasonably interfere with the activities of media
Individual scores:

5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 5

Average score:



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