
except on such other conditions as the Board
may impose;
and may impose any two or more of such conditions in respect of the same public entertainment.
(6) The Board shall not approve any public entertainment which in its opinion—
(a) is of a nature described in subsection (2) of
section ten; or
(b) after consultation with the Secretary of the
Ministry responsible for home affairs, is likely to be associated with breaches of the
peace, disorderly or immoral behaviour or
abuses relating to the consumption of alcohol
or drugs.
(7) No person shall—
(a) without the approval of the Board, perform in
any public entertainment or give or permit the
giving of any public entertainment which, after having been approved by the Board, has in
any way been altered or modified; or
(b) perform in any public entertainment or give
or permit the giving of any public entertainment in contravention of any condition imposed by the Board under subsection (5).
(8) Any person who contravenes subsection (1)
or (7) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a
fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for
a period not exceeding one year or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.

17 Prohibition of certain exhibitions and
(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
this Act, the Board may, by notice in writing
addressed to any person who is or is believed by
the Board to be in charge of—
(a) the public exhibition or intended exhibition
of any publication, picture, statue or record or
the public playing or intended playing of any
record; or
(b) the public exhibition or intended exhibition,
or the televising or intended televising, of any
film in respect of which an exemption in
terms of subsection (3) of section nine is in
force or which has been approved in terms of
subsection (4) of section ten; or
(c) the giving or intended giving of any public
entertainment in respect of which an exemption under subsection (2) of section sixteen is
[Chapter 10:04]

in force or a certificate has been given under
the proviso to subsection (3) of that section;
prohibit the same, or permit it subject to such
conditions as the Board may in its discretion
impose, if the Board has reason to believe that the
said publication, picture, statue or record is undesirable or, as the case may be, the said film or
entertainment is of a nature described in subsection
(2) of section ten or, after consultation with the
Secretary of the Ministry responsible for home
affairs, is likely to be associated with breaches of
the peace, disorderly or immoral behaviour or
abuses relating to the consumption of alcohol or
(2) The Board may at any time withdraw any
prohibition or condition imposed under subsection
(3) Any person who contravenes any prohibition
or condition imposed under subsection (1) shall be
guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding one year or to both such fine and such
Provided that it shall be a complete defence for
the accused to prove that he was unaware of such
prohibition or condition and could not reasonably
be expected to have become aware thereof.

18 Establishment of Appeal Board
(1) For the purpose of hearing and determining
appeals in accordance with section nineteen, there
is hereby established an Appeal Board consisting
of a president and two members appointed by the
(2) The Minister may appoint an alternate to any
member of the Appeal Board other than the president.
(3) Every appointment shall be for a period of
one year or such longer period not exceeding three
years as may be specified in the notification of
such appointment, but a retiring member or alternate member shall be eligible for re-appointment.
(4) The Appeal Board may appoint any person
with special expert knowledge to act as a member
in an advisory capacity in any appeal where it
appears to the Appeal Board that such knowledge
is required for the proper determination of the


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