those proceedings shall be present at the proceedings before the Appeal Board or the
court concerned;
(c) no person shall broadcast, televise, exhibit,
publish, distribute or in any other manner
bring to the notice of the public any information relating to the decision, order or proceedings concerned, other than the actual
result thereof;
unless the Appeal Board or the court concerned,
having regard to the purpose for which the certificate was issued in terms of subsection (1), orders
(3) Any person who contravenes paragraph (b)
or (c) of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence
and liable to a fine not exceeding level eight or to
imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to
both such fine and such imprisonment.


22 Board may alter or reverse its decisions
Save as is elsewhere specifically provided in this
Act, any decision made by the Board under this
Act may, after a period of at least two years has
elapsed since the decision was so made, be reversed or altered by the Board.
23 Minister may alter decisions of Board
and Appeal Board
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Act, if the Minister is satisfied that a decision of
the Board—
(a) to reject a film or film advertisement or to
declare a film or film advertisement to be
prohibited; or
(b) to declare any film, publication, picture,
statue or record to be undesirable or prohibited;
is not in the public interest, the Minister may vary
or set aside the decision of the Board, whether or
not such decision has been confirmed by the
Appeal Board.
(2) Where the Minister has varied a decision of
the Board in terms of subsection (1), no appeal
shall lie in terms of Part VII against that decision
as varied by the Minister.
(3) It shall not be necessary for the Minister,
before acting in terms of subsection (1), to solicit
representations from or afford a hearing to any

[Chapter 10:04]

(4) Where the Minister has acted in terms of
subsection (1), he shall, without delay, cause his
action to be made known by notice in the Gazette.
24 Admission of certain persons free of
(1) Any person who is for the time being in
charge of any place where any film, publication,
picture or statue is being publicly exhibited, any
record is being publicly played or any public
entertainment is being given shall on demand admit
thereto free of charge any member of the Board or
of a committee thereof, or any other person on
production of a written authority for such admission under the hand of the chairman of the Board,
or any police officer who is on duty or any probation officer.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1)
shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a
period not exceeding six months or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.
25 Seizure of articles for examination by
(1) In this section—
“officer’’ means—
(a) an officer as defined in section 2 of the Postal
and Telecommunication Services Act [Chapter 12:02] or
section 2 of the
Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02]; or
(b) a police officer; or
(c) a probation officer.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), an officer may
seize any—
(a) publication, picture, statue or record; or
(b) recorded video or film material; or
(c) material which he has reasonable grounds for
believing is recorded video or film material;
for examination by the Board.
(3) An officer who seizes any article in terms of
subsection (2) shall cause it to be forwarded to the
Board for examination as soon as possible after
such seizure, and the Board shall not retain the
article any longer than is necessary for such examination.
26 Prohibition of possession of prohibited
(1) No person shall, without lawful excuse, have
in his possession any—
(a) publication, picture, statue or record that is
indecent or obscene or prohibited; or

Select target paragraph3