Tanzania There was consensus that the constitution may have guarantees for freedom of expression but that the reality on the ground is different. This is the reason why some freedom of expression activists have called for the explicit guarantee of the freedom of the media in the constitution. There is a plethora of laws impeding the free flow of information, which makes it difficult for the Tanzania media to operate. These include the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime Act, which bars the director from giving information on any person who is being investigated. Other such restrictive laws are the Public Service Act, Official Secrets Act and the National Security Act, all of which make accessing information by journalists and the general public very difficult. All these pieces of legislation could also lead to the media in Tanzania practising self-censorship for fear of being on the wrong side of the law. However the current government (which has been in office for only 8 months) seems to be keen on improving the situation by issuing directives to government officials to work very closely with the press and make sure that people are informed of government activities. Repealing existing restrictive laws and conflicting articles in the constitution will definitely be a great step forward towards the achievement of freedom of expression. SCORES: 4 Individual scores: 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 Average score: 2.8 African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2006