
Government promotes a political and economic
environment which allows a diverse media landscape.

Government has been taking positive steps in this regard. Import/
custom duty on newsprint has been decreased by 25% and computers can be imported duty-free.
An Information Policy is being discussed to allow for more diversity
of media landscape.
Individual scores:

4, 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2

Average score:



Private media outlets operate as efficient and professional

Tanzania is in the process of transformation from a state economy
into a liberalised economy. There is hardly any business culture and
professionalism and business acumen are lacking in most fields.
Records show that private media do make profits but the problem of
the lack of a business mind-set resurfaces when it comes to spending the proper way and reinvesting to sustain business challenges.
There are strategies in place to nurture professionalism and to ensure the sustainability of private media. This is done through MISA
and other similar bodies.
African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2006


Select target paragraph3