competency for communications regulation lies with the Ministry
of Infrastructure Development but actual implementation is carried
out by the Ministry of Information and Sports Development. The
thrust of the new legislation is restrictive rather than development
oriented. The restrictions it imposes include: (i) that 60% of all programming must be locally produced and (ii) that fees collected must
be channelled to the Local Authorities.
The TCRA has a Media Monitoring Committee, advises the minister
on policy and regulations and hears complaints.
Individual scores:

3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Average score:



Community broadcasting enjoys special promotion given its
potential to broaden access by poor and rural communities.

This is not the case. The costs for registration and the annual fee,
as well as for energy to run a radio station are very high. A license
can be obtained for between $500 and $2500 and the annual fee is
1 million shillings. Thi is probably why, as mentioned earlier, there
are only 2 community stations in Tanzania (Sengerema and Orkonerei). The languages allowed on air are restricted to Kiswahili and
English, in line with the national policy on maintaining unity in the


African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2006

Select target paragraph3