of journalists during press conferences. Other negative developments included
integrating vocal and robust civil society activists and critical media personnel into
the government, corruption and lack of ethics in journalism, the dormancy of the
Media Council of Malawi due to financial reasons and the Malawi Communications
Regulatory Authority’s lack of transparency.
The AMB recommended continued advocacy for Access to Information legislation
and taking the ATI policy to parliament in November 2012. It also advised lobbying
the government for a framework for ATI legislation, the urgent revival of the Media
Council of Malawi, the establishment of a research collaboration unit to look into
issues affecting the media, and a campaign to turn the state broadcaster into a true
public medium.
2016 AMB
Positive developments mentioned in this AMB included an increase in television
and radio stations, increased competition which improved standards, positive
media legislation and policy, live coverage of court proceedings, work towards
enhancing media training, reduction of cases involving the arrest of journalists
and their harassment, and the passing of the Gender Equality Act (2014) which
imposed quotas in government departments and training institutions. Negative
developments included poor salaries for journalists, the introduction of VAT on
imported broadcasting equipment and newsprint, arrests of ordinary citizens for
expressing their views, reversal of efforts to transform the state broadcaster into a
true public service broadcaster, a poor economy that affected salaries and the media
sector, difficulties in accessing the President, and cross-ownership within the media
sector which narrows content diversity. Recommendations included multi-sectoral
lobbying for the implementation of ATI legislation, evaluating the performance of
the new Communications Act (2016) through MISA Malawi, transforming the state
broadcaster into a truly public broadcaster, repealing insult laws, making the Media
Council of Malawi more accessible and visible in tackling unethical behaviour,
translating the code of ethics into vernacular languages and investigating issues
that affect the media.



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