2018 AMB
This AMB acknowledged some positive developments regarding issues not raised
in the preceding AMB. For instance, it highlighted the easing of the broadcasting
licence application process, progress towards the institutionalisation of efforts aimed
at media development, the formation of a media consortium for advocacy work on
issues that affect the media, and the ongoing consultations on the Broadcasting
Bill. Negative developments included increased brutal attacks against journalists,
increased corruption in journalism, self-censorship and poor content, and the
inactivity of media associations. This showed a significant escalation in challenges
faced by the media during the four years between AMBs. Recommendations in the
2018 AMB included advocacy around media law reforms and journalists’ working
conditions and protection.

2011 AMB
Positive developments highlighted in this AMB included the expansion of media
operators and, by extension, greater media diversity and pluralism. It also
mentioned an improved quality of journalism and the availability of training
institutions. Nonetheless, it also highlighted sluggish progress regarding the public
broadcasting reform, no progress in the development of the Right to Information
Bill and the Broadcasting Bill, and a decline in professional journalism standards.
Recommendations included strengthening the National Media Commission
through increased funding and independence from state authorities, streamlining
broadcasting regulation, and advocacy for an independent and well-funded Ghana
Broadcasting Corporation.
2013 AMB
Positive developments in this AMB included increased advocacy for the Right to
Information Bill, improved quality in journalism at some publications, and increased
access to the internet. Nonetheless, these improvements were counteracted by
developments such as political polarisation and the tabloidisation of news, the arrest
of journalists, corruption in journalism, and the stalling of the Broadcasting Bill and
the Right to Information Bill. Notably, the issues that required intervention increased
from the previous AMB. Recommendations touched on several challenges, including
the need for journalists to be acquainted with various codes of ethics; development
of policies that promote equality, especially in terms of gender; advocacy for the



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