into law. MISA was also encouraged to facilitate the establishment of a journalists’
union. Specialised training for journalists and forming an influential editors’ forum
were also recommended.
2014 AMB
Although this AMB acknowledged positive changes in the political environment,
it also highlighted several negative developments. These included poor journalistic
practices, the prosecution of journalists under archaic laws, the enactment of
broadcasting regulations (namely the Communications Regulatory Act of 2012),
and the presidency’s hostility towards journalists. This AMB raised many issues
similar to those raised in 2011.
2018 AMB
The 2018 AMB did not outline any significant improvements on the issues mentioned
in the proceeding AMBs. However, it raised new issues as focal points, such as media
sustainability and funding, and the need to research the country’s media environment.

2011 AMB
Despite improvements in media training and diversity in Cameroon, the 2011 AMB
highlighted a lack of progress in issuing TV licences, the government’s penchant
to attack journalists and the media, decreasing professionalism in journalism,
and limited media reach in the country, among other things. It recommended
the decriminalisation of libel, advocacy for an Access to Information Law, and tax
breaks for media inputs such as newsprint. Other recommendations focused on
strengthening journalists’ representation and improving their training.
2014 AMB
This AMB highlighted positive improvements in attempts to reform the media
sector and law, reduced court cases against journalists, and the proliferation of
digital journalism. Nonetheless, poor quality broadcast journalism, corruption in the
media, lack of an Access to Information Law, and lack of media sustainability were
noted as persistent challenges. Recommendations focused on increasing efforts
to establish access to information legislation and to implement the media reforms
proposed in 2011.



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