completed, the journalist has the chance to become known elsewhere in other
sectors or be lured away by competitors. Most are content with the opportunities
offered by donors as well as national and international organisation, mostly on
specific areas or topics. However, taking into account that staff are getting younger,
basic training constitutes an urgent need.
Training in journalism and communication offered by the University of Antananarivo,
private structures such as the Catholic Ecole Supérieure of Information and
Communication at the College of Saint Michel, or the communication branch of the
Ecole Supérieure Spécialisee of Vakinankaratra cannot cope with the demand of an
employment market where skills are scarce. In order to fill this gap the Association of
News Editors of Madagascar (GEPIM), in collaboration with Ouest-Fraternité, eight
months ago initiated a programme of upgrading the training of editorial staff in all
member organisations.

Individual scores:

2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3

Average score:


4.10 Journalists and other media practitioners are organised in trade unions and/or
professional associations.
Journalists are not organised in trade unions but rather in a multitude of associations
most of which are based in the capital. These associations are supported by exterior
partners. Once they receive donor support (in kind or in cash), they become active.
Over the years, they collapse. They push for press freedom but rarely raise their
voice in order to defend a colleague - recent cases are proof of that. Many journalists
think that they can work around the “Order of Journalists” in practising their
profession. The “Order” has a legal basis but lost its legitimacy over the years and
does not exercise any of the functions of a trade union.
Employers are grouped together in the Association of News Editors of Madagascar
(GEPIM), but certain titles have not become members.
In the media environment as a whole there is no organisation with a methodological
approach. Instead there are sporadic initiatives sparked by specific events or
opportunities. Being a profession for individualists, journalism in Madagascar has,
apparently, not been able to develop a group spirit.
Individual scores:

2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4


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