Sector 1 - Freedom of expression, including media freedom, are effectively
protected and promoted.

Freedom of expression, including freedom of the media, is guaranteed in the
constitution and protected by other pieces of legislation.

Madagascar is a signatory to the International Charter on Human Rights and the
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Its constitution guarantees the
freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of communication and freedom of the
press. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which has also been
ratified by the Big Island, stipulates in detail that this freedom of expression includes
the freedom of research, as well as the receiving and spreading of information and
ideas. Possible restrictions to these freedoms, expressly determined by law, relate to
the respect of rights or the reputation of others, and maintaining public security and
order, as well as public health and moral standards.
Law no. 90-031 of 21 December 1990 on communication guarantees freedom of
expression and of the press as stipulated in the constitution. This law mandates the
press to give voice to all opinions and report on all events or facts likely to interest the
public and to contribute to the education of the public. Freedom and independence of
thought and expression is unhindered as long as the rights and dignity of others are
In terms of the constitution, freedom of expression, including freedom of the media,
are guaranteed in Madagascar. However, the repressive character of the law on
communication, including prison sentences for media offences, is not conducive to
press freedom.

Individual scores:

3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4

Average score:



The right to freedom of expression is practised and citizens, including
journalists, are asserting their rights without fear.



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