The year 2018 is likely to see the reforms agenda topping most of the headlines in Lesotho. This is largely because
Lesotho’s instability is evident and most
citizens are hopeful the reforms will
help the country redefine its agenda for
development while globally positioning
itself for active participation in various
initiatives aiming at improving people’s
While the reforms project provides
hope for Lesotho, much will depend on
the organisational abilities of societal
groups to work towards achieving peace
and stability as important elements for
development. Political polarisation remains the primary challenge. The media
plays a very active role in this regard and
this makes the sector top of the reforms
agenda, although the state and other actors do not necessarily regard this as a
Most contested issues in Lesotho are
fuelled by the media, especially content on radio stations. The year 2017
saw most radio stations openly aligning
themselves with either congress or nationalism ideologies. This was the case
as the country headed towards the national assembly elections and it would
continue even beyond. It was hoped
that the reforms would address this conduct of the media, as it was potentially
divisive and dangerous to development
in Lesotho.


So This is Democracy? 2017

Select target paragraph3