
The government’s desire to retain control over the media 		
through disabling legislations
Lack of political will to create enabling environment for me		
dia independence
If negative changes: Who or what has been the main cause?
National and global economic downturn
Mismanagement of the economy leading to prohibitive costs 		
of doing business
Absence of national infrastructure such as power supply and 		
mass transportation to support media business
The weak regulatory environment
Lack of economic incentives for the media
Low level of literacy and reading culture in the country
Who could be the drivers/actors for change in the future?
The civil society (human rights NGOs)
Media professional bodies
Media development organizations
The legislature
The regulatory bodies
The Media training institutions
What kind of activities are needed over the next two 		
The Reform of existing media legislation
The passage of the FOI bill
More support for media development groups (only a fraction 		
of development funds goes to the media) for training, re		
search, advocacy, monitoring etc
Identify activities and develop strategies including civil 		
society mobilisation,
Developing a general strategy to support media
Target donor bodies like Ford Foundation, OSIWA, OSJI, EU, 		
DFID, FES, FES, HB, USAID, World Bank etc for more funds
How can things move forward in such a hostile 			
The main weakness of past efforts is the absence of a long 		
term coherent and comprehensive strategy with a minimum 		
of three years life span. For example legal reforms cannot 		

African Media Barometer - Nigeria 2008			


Select target paragraph3