Sector 3:

Broadcasting regulation is transparent and inde-		
pendent; the State broadcaster is transformed into
a truly public broadcaster.

3.1 Broadcast is regulated by an independent body adequately 		
protected against interference, particularly of a political 		
and economic nature.
In this section and in virtually all the discussion on the other sections in this sector, it was suggested that broadcasting regulation
as well as the lack of true public broadcasting represent the lowest
ebbs of journalistic practice in contemporary Nigeria. For example,
under the first question, it was pointed out that all members of the
National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) are appointed by the President on recommendations of the Minister of Information. Furthermore, the Minister of Information has the legal power to give directives to the managers that they have to comply with. Matters are
not helped by the slowness of law reform in this area as evidenced
by the fact that two bills (the NBC Bill, and the Nigerian Media Bill)
introduced in the National Assembly on the matter have remained
pending for years.
Individual scores:			

2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1

Total score:				


Average score:			


African Media Barometer - Nigeria 2008			


Select target paragraph3