mity in return.
Individual scores:			

1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 4; 1; 2; 1; 1

Total score:				


Average score:			


2.13		 The advertising market is large enough to maintain a diver		
		 sity of media outlets.
There is the challenge of reliable data to determine the actual circulation figures of newspapers. Hence, advert agencies which are
normally very selective work on the basis of predetermined criteria;
owners of products do sometimes give instructions to advertisers as
to their preferred media. In many cases no use is made of advertising agencies. Some panel members claimed that in Nigeria the
advertising market cannot be called a ‘market’ since sometimes
money is involved. Sometimes ads appear in exchange for particular
services or because of personal relations.
It was noted that some newspapers like “The Guardian” and “This
Day” often have up to 60% of content as advert pages. There is
need, too, for reliable data on audience ratings, percentage market
share of viewers and readers for a more scientific understanding of
the impact and reach of advertising. Only without reliable figures
can the National Broadcaster claim a viewership of 100 Million.

African Media Barometer - Nigeria 2008			


Select target paragraph3