SECTOR 2 2.13 The advertising market is large enough to support a diversity of media outlets. While it would never be said openly, panellists asserted that “there is a racial patronage network at work”. Hence it is quite clear which advertising will go to which media house dependent on who owns and runs it. The Polytechnic and the University of Namibia spend about 3 million each a year in advertising in The Namibian, while the motoring companies spend a similar amount for advertising in Die Republikein for example. Generally, however, the advertising market is not big enough and it is difficult especially for new or small outlets to cut in. Media houses go to great lengths to get advertising and all agreed that “power and agency lies with the private sector”. As is the case with parastatals, private companies can pull advertising if the media outlet starts running critical stories. This could potentially influence editorial content, considering that the advertising market is not big enough. At some point, for example, Standard Bank pulled advertising from the Confidente after the paper published a story that the Bank considered unbalanced; and First National Bank (FNB Namibia) pulled advertising from Informante after it ran a critical front page story about the Bank. Scores: Individual scores: 42 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 2.5 (2005: 2.4; 2007: 2.9; 2009: 3.0; 2011: .0) Average score for sector 2: 2.9 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER NAMIBIA 2015