2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks
to prevent media concentration and monopolies.
The Communications Act (2009) makes provision for anti-competitive practices in
Chapter IV, and deals with cross media ownership in the issuing of broadcasting
licenses under Section 85 (8):
When considering an application for the issue of a broadcasting license,
the Authority must have regard to … (c) the desirability or otherwise
of allowing any person or associated persons to have control of or an
substantial interest in – (i) more than one broadcasting or transmission
service; (ii) more than one radio station and one television station [or] a
combination of television and radio channels and registered newspapers
with a common circulation in Namibia.
In practice however, concentration of ownership exists.
Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) formerly known as Democratic Media Holdings
(DMH) owns printing facilities (Newsprint Namibia), 3 daily newspapers (The
Allgemeine Zeitung, Republikein, The Namibian Sun), and some weeklies and
monthlies (Erongo, Windhoek Express, Ewi lyaNooli). They sold their shares in
the radio station 99 FM in 2012. In the same year Namibian company Stimulus
Investments acquired a 50% share in DMH. DMH changed its name to NMH in
Now First Lady Monica Geingos (then Monica Kalondo) is a shareholder and
the Managing Director of Stimulus, and at the time, became Chairperson of the
Board of NMH. She stepped down as Board Chairperson shortly before marrying
then Prime Minister (now President) Hage Geingob.
“There is a monopoly from the printing side,” said one panellist, as NMH
owns Newsprint Namibia and can therefore prioritise the printing of their own
That has an effect on how late or early other papers have to hand in their paper
for printing, which becomes a problem when there is urgent breaking news.
Furthermore, one panellist remarked, “the printing mafia can dictate the price”.
The Namibia Media Trust, which owns the Free Press of Namibia, which in turn
owns The Namibian newspaper, recently set up its own printing press – WordPress
- with one other shareholder – local businessman Wolfram Jauss. WordPress
currently prints The Namibian and Confidente newspapers.



Select target paragraph3