Freedom of expression, including
freedom of the media, is effectively
protected and promoted.
1.1 Freedom of expression, including freedom of the
media, is guaranteed in the Constitution and supported by other pieces of legislation.
“25 years after
we should
have adopted
laws that give
effect to the

Article 21(1) of the Namibian Constitution guarantees
freedom of expression under ‘fundamental freedoms’ and
explicitly includes freedom of the press and other media as
part of the protection of freedom of expression:
All persons shall have the right to: (a) freedom of
speech and expression, which shall include freedom of
the press and other media;
Article 144 of the Constitution further states:
Unless otherwise provided by this Constitution or Act
of Parliament, the general rules of public international
law and international agreements binding upon
Namibia under this Constitution shall form part of the
law of Namibia.

Therefore, international conventions, such as the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, which guarantees freedom of expression and opinion in Article 19 and
Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights1 are legally
enforceable documents in Namibia.
However, there are no other pieces of legislation that support the constitutional
guarantees. “25 years after independence we should have adopted laws that give
effect to the constitutional provisions”, was the feeling of one panellist.
Article 91 (a) of the Constitution provides for an Office of the Ombudsman in
Namibia which, amongst other things, is supposed to:
investigate complaints concerning alleged or apparent instances of violations
of fundamental rights and freedoms.
Another regulatory mechanism that is supposed to promote free expression is
the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) established by the
Communications Act of 2009. There are, however, a number of provisions and
clauses in the setup of the regulator that contradict the international standards
by which Namibia is bound.


By Extension also the African Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression amongst others as it interprets Article
9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights.


Select target paragraph3