State of Broadcasting and
Digital Migration in the Region

Several countries in the region have done fairly well in implementing the digital migration process
within their planned time frames. The DBM project was given high priority in these countries and
high commitment was demonstrated by committing enough resources to complete the projects. Even
less resourced countries like Malawi and Swaziland completed their migration projects in impressive
time frames. The delayed implementation of the DBM projects in countries like South Africa and
Zimbabwe has dampened the enthusiasm that the process initially generated from the viewers. It is
the experts’ view that countries that have not completed their digital migration processes by now may
have missed the DTT bus. They may end up sending the DTT bus in the wrong direction if satellite
direct to home –DTH becomes the main distribution platform.
SADC countries must conclude the migration process for citizens to derive the digital dividend
benefits that arise from lower data tariffs. Digital broadcast migration will without doubt achieve
plurality of content service providers. It is yet to be seen in countries like Zimbabwe if that will result
in diversity.


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