State of Broadcasting and
Digital Migration in the Region

Digital Broadcasting Migration Status In Botswana6 7

45 sites throughout the country have been equipped with digital transmitters. All the analogue
transmitters in the northern region have been switched off.

Network coverage

The digital transmission coverage is intended to replicate the analogue coverage and


Digital transmitter stations will be changed after confirmation of reception on the ground.


The state Broadcaster is currently running an 8 channel multiplex and 6 services are on air;
BTV1, Access TV, Khuduga HD , Now TV, France 24, BTV2 trial,

4.2 Set Top Boxes

There are 500 000 analogue TV households in Botswana and


Digital TV households are yet to be verified. 325 000 STBs are needed to effect national analogue
switch off –NASO.


Independent commercial dealers are mandated with the supply of the STBs.

6 DSB/ Content Development and SADC DTT migration report for Botswana 2019 and 2020
7Chief Broadcast Engineer DTT


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