360 No. 17 of2002]


(e) anything which is required to be prescribed under the Act.

48. (1) On or after the appointed date a broadcasting service or
diffusion service licenced before the commencement of this Act, shall
be deemed to have been licenced under this Act for a period not
exceeding one year from the commencement of this Act.
(2) At least three months before the expiry of the period specified
in subsection (1) the broadcasting service or diffusion service shall
apply to the Authority for renewal of the licence.

Act not to
affect Radio<

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Cap. 169

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49. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as exempting a
broadcasting operator from compliance with the provisions of the
Radiocommunications Act or of the subsidiary legislation made
thereunder which relate to —
(aj the establishment of radio transmitting stations and the erection
of radio apparatus at sites approved by the Communications
(b) the allocation of frequencies by the Communications Authority
in consultation with the Authority;
(c) the approval of the Communications Authority, in consultation
with the Authority, of—
(i) the mode of transmission to be used in connection
with radio transmitting stations and the power to
be radiated therefrom;
(ii) the classes, types and standards of radio receiving
stations and radio and other apparatus to be used
in connection with diffusion services; and
(iii) the classes, types and standards or radio stations,
radio apparatus, or apparatus used for operating
diffusion services;
(d) the prevention of harmful interference;
(e) the making of distress calls, messages and signals;
(f) the manner of carrying on radio communication services
governed by the provisions of conventions; and
(g) the inspection and testing of radio stations, radio apparatus
used for operating diffusion services and premises used in
connection therewith.

Select target paragraph3