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4 3 . (1) In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this
Act, the Authority shall establish an inspectorate unit and may appoint
such inspectors as may be necessary for the performance of its
(2) Every inspector shall be provided with a certificate of
appointment which shall be prima facie evidence of the inspector's
appointment as such.
(3) Any inspector carrying out any functions under this Act shall
on demand by any person who is affected by the inspector's exercise
of power, produce for inspection the certificate referred to in subsection

Powers of

4 4 . (1) To ensure that the provisions of this Act are being complied
with, an inspector shall have power, on production of the certificate of
appointment issued under seetionforty-three to demand the production
of, and to inspect or make copies of a licence issued under Part IV.
(2) An inspector may upon probable cause shown on oath to a
magistrate court obtain a warrant to enter upon and search or examine
the premises prescribed in the warrant in order to ascertain whether
any offence under this Act is being committed in such premises.
(3) Where an inspector is satisfied that a person does not have a
valid licence in respect of a matter for which a licence is required
under this Act, the inspector or police officer may serve on that person
notification in the prescribed form.

Offences and

4 5 . A person who —
(a) fails or refuses to register as a dealer with the Authority when
required to do so under this Act;
(b) fails or refuses to furnish a return or to supply information to
the Authority in the manner and in the time prescribed;
(c) furnishes a false or incomplete return or incomplete
information to the Authority;
(d) on being required to do so fails or refuses to produce to an
inspector a licence issued under this Act or a book, record
or document relating to receivers which is in that person's
possession or under that person's control;
(e) wilfully delays or obstructs an inspector of the Authority in
the exercise of the powers conferred upon the inspector by
or under this Act;

Select target paragraph3