The Way Forward

What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?
The main negative development was the incapacitation of the media lobby and
advocacy organisations, mainly due to lack of funding. Another major issue is the
lack of unity among media practitioners to facilitate concerted efforts to revive
media organisations, increase media professionalism and address media platform


What kinds of activities are needed over the next
three/four years?
With a fragmented and divided media fraternity, it is difficult to advocate around
issues of repressive legislation, poor working conditions and the strengthening
of professional standards. These are critical issues that need the media sector
to interrogate and unpack, with the aim of working towards solutions. Media
platform sustainability is the principal threat to media diversity.
Panellists identified the crucial need to organise a media stakeholders meeting
aimed at fusing the media fraternity around issues of collective interest. This is
intended to increase cooperation on issues affecting the media sector at large
and to enable coalition building, including the establishment or revival of media
organisations and associations.
Common grounds/issues include the building of unity of purpose to focus on:

-- Specifically, ethics, standards and sharing of skills


Transformation of the media
-- An introspective overview of the media landscape in Botswana
-- Brainstorming possible solutions through a SWOT29 analysis


-- Media sustainability
-- New models of funding

The panellists resolved that the best way to do this would be:
• To hold a workshop with relevant stakeholders to discuss the above issues.
• To ensure that this workshop discussion forms part of the programme for the
launch of the Botswana 2018 AMB report.
29 SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.



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