Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.9 (2005 = 2.5; 2007 = 2.4; 2009 =1.6;
2011 = 2.2; 2014 = 3.2)

4.7 Media professionals have access to training facilities
offering formal qualification programmes as well as
opportunities to upgrade skills.
In-house media training programmes no longer exist in most media houses.
In the past, there used to be great training facilities and opportunities. ‘The
Department of Information and Broadcasting Services, now divided into two
departments, had a great training unit which was recognised beyond national
borders and attracted people from other SADC28 countries.’
Mmegi had structures to provide for training at induction level and [offered]
continuous training such as attachments to other outlets.
On a positive note, ‘the publisher of The Voice newspaper is very passionate
about training; every year, she has a deliberate policy to upgrade and enhance
the skills of her staff. It is believed that this intentional effort “shows” in their
reporting [as] compared to other media outlets.’
In addition, in-house media policy training on gender has started at The Voice,
which has been a trendsetter in this regard.
With regard to formalised training, the Limkonkwing University offers mediarelated courses in journalism and media, communications, public relations and
advertising and marketing, starting at Diploma level and continuing up to Masters
level. However, the institution is not perceived as being at a high level especially
when it comes to training for the print media sector. ‘Maybe the broadcasting
courses are better.’
The University of Botswana (UB) offers a Bachelor of Arts (BA-Media Studies) and
a Bachelor of Media Studies (BMS). UB is currently in the process of developing a
Master’s programme in media studies.
28 Southern African Development Community (SADC).



Select target paragraph3