sensational news. If you ask journalists “why is it that we don’t see other stuff?”,
they will likely reply “If it [the story] is not juicy, we won’t bother with it.”’
For example, ‘the work of the church is not being seen often; when the church
shares a story with the media it [the story] doesn’t make it.’
From a more holistic point of view, ‘we don’t have a coherent national agenda
‘that society at large is striving towards,’ concludes a journalist. ‘Nowadays,
the main aim is “to create jobs”; and now everyone is going to work, that’s it.
People look out for [them] selves only and there is no social responsibility. We
are not adding any value to anything except our own lives, and this attitude,
unfortunately, is also common among the media fraternity.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








2.6 (2005 = 2.9; 2007 = 2.1; 2009 = 2.8;
2011 = 3.3; 2014 = 4.0)

4.2 The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by independent/nonstatutory bodies that deal with complaints from the
The establishment of the Press Council of Botswana (PCB) and its code of ethics
was ‘an attempt to deal with issues of professional and ethical standards.’
The body, however, collapsed, and with it the progress on benchmark-setting
of professional standards. The BPC theoretically still exists but is ‘completely
The media in Botswana have developed a code of ethics, but the majority of
media practitioners seem to be unaware of its existence. ‘At one time a former
minister took it [the code of ethics] to the government media [for them to] abide
by it.’
The Botswana Editor’s Forum (BEF) also exists in theory and usually does not
function effectively. The institutional capacity to drive the process of professional
standard setting is therefore lacking. An additional problem is the lack of
professional unity and coordination among the media fraternity in Botswana.



Select target paragraph3