3.7 The state/public broadcaster offers diverse
programming formats for all interests including local
content and quality public interest programmes.
The quantity of non-partisan views featured on the state broadcaster is limited.
The state broadcaster offers diverse programming which is ‘mainly in line with the
ruling party’s agenda, policies and programmes that run the BDP manifesto. Civil
society organisations and trade unions are hardly covered, the main opposition
party is covered 2-3% compared to the ruling party.’
‘Critical but decent voices may be covered...but the state broadcaster may not
cover them to the full[est] extent.’
On Btv there are talk shows, political programmes and a locally produced drama
called Ntwakgolo. Radio Botswana airs the radio-based soap opera and health
education drama Makgabaneng. On Btv, 30% of the content is local content.
There is no policy regulating local content on the radio but it is estimated at
roughly 90% on RB1.
Diverse programmes are offered, ‘particularly on the radio...but it does not cater
to all demographic interests.’
‘When it comes to news and programming that is specific to politics...that’s
where diversity does not exist.’
‘In this country, not a single television broadcaster has ever talked about the
National Petroleum Fund’ scandal,27 the biggest case of corruption the country
has ever seen, presumably because some members of the ruling BDP have
allegedly benefited from the monies embezzled.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator





Average score:

2.5 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = n/a;
2011 = n/a; 2014 = 1.3)

Overall score for sector 3:


27 In the National Petroleum Fund corruption case, it is alleged that over US$ 25 million have been defrauded by asset
manager Bakang Seretse, allegedly to the benefit of ruling BDP party members, including former President Ian Khama.



Select target paragraph3