‘Government used advertising to penalise the media industry.’ This directive was
first given within government without a public announcement. Once the word
spread and the media heard of the advertising ban ‘they started asking questions,
to which the government replied that this step was taken as a cost measure.’
A number of media houses ‘wanted to take the matter to court’ with financial
support from the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC). Eventually, several
media houses pulled out of the process without providing any reasons: the case
was therefore not brought to court.
The lack of solidarity between media houses can also be traced back to their
lack of support for the Botswana Gazette and the Midweek Sun in 2001, when
government declared an advertising ban on these two outlets; this was later
declared unlawful by the Botswana High Court.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:




1.3 (2005 = 1.3; 2007 =2.4; 2009 = 1.1;
2011 = 1.7; 2014 = 1.5)

2.13 The advertising market is large enough to support a
diversity of media outlets.
Advertising spending in Botswana ‘is very low.’
In 2008, advertising spending was estimated at 300 million BWP23
(2,950,000 USD). More current numbers are not available.
‘Advertising rates have declined for both print and broadcast media.’
‘Nowadays, a full-page advert in a newspaper is worth 8,000 BWP (790 USD),
where in the past companies would pay 40,000 BWP (3,940 USD) for the same.’
The advertising market in Botswana is small and ‘government’s decision to not
participate in it significantly impacts on the market,’ making it close to impossible
for media houses to survive. ‘This country is so dependent on government...
and without it you are nothing.’ The advertising ban by government proceeded
23 African Media Barometer 2009.



Select target paragraph3