Back in the early 2000s, media organisations played an active role in shaping
the media landscape towards a more democratic system. MISA at that time,
promoted ‘a general atmosphere of active citizenship and accountability.’ During
this time government, albeit reluctantly, acknowledged that MISA was a partner
that one could work with.
Vigorous campaigning for political and social change was followed by a decline
in activism under the Khama administration, and the previous momentum has
since not been restored.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.4 (2005 = 2.4; 2007 = 2.8; 2009 = 2.2;
2011 = 4.1; 2014 = 2.3)

1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful
consultations among state institutions, citizens and
interest groups.
Media legislation has been publicised in several media outlets, but stakeholders
were ‘hardly ever consulted’ during legislation. Government would hold kgotla
(public community) meetings with known disadvantaged groups such as elderly
people to provide the necessary knowledge and information, so that they may
provide constructive input to the legislative process. The government would
then claim that there have been consultations. ‘In this country, there are no
meaningful avenues to interrogate laws or legislative processes: laws will “pass
Admittedly, the media fraternity rarely includes other stakeholders in the drafting
process of laws initiated by them.
At one point, however, MISA, the Press Council and other stakeholders crafted
‘a model information bill with the help of some parliamentarians.’ During this
process, efforts were made to ‘include stakeholders and civic groups’ in drafting a
bill for an access to information law. When the draft bill was tabled in Parliament
as a Private Member’s Bill, the process was stopped. The feedback received was
that it is only the Attorney General’s Office which was mandated to craft laws.



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